Monday, June 23, 2008

No more foolish games

You walked away without saying a word. Not even a goodbye or any sense of closure. It wasn't the rejection I felt that I couldn't handle. I can take No for an answer. But no, what really got to me was that you lied. Blatantly. Outrightly. Actions truly speak louder than words. If you want to continue pretending like nothing ever happened, then so be it. I thought you were different. Perhaps I had mistaken you for someone else, someone who actually gave a damn, someone more like myself. But reality bites. And the truth can hurt. As ugly, or painful as it may be, it's still the truth. You can run, but can you truly hide? One day...the truth will reveal itself.

Today, after seven long and painful months, I have decided to put the past behind me. And move forward. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. You may not have realised it, but you might have taught me the greatest lesson I needed to learn. The importance of being careful with your heart. And of whom you choose to trust. You almost broke my spirit. My fragile belief in the goodness of humanity. But thankfully, my true friends rallied around me and brought me back to life.

In case you failed to notice, in case you failed to see, that was my heart bleeding before you. This sees me down on my knees. These foolish games are tearing me apart. But no more. Today, I choose to forgive and I choose to forget. Today, I am free.

1 comment:

UNtold series said...

How could someone have walked way on a super hero like you?!?!?!?!?!? it's their lost!
But, If your learnt something... than, despite all the pain, it was worth it... it helped your growing process... and now that you're oh so much bigger.... freedom must have a good taste!